2012-06-26 15:19
at the point of
on the brink of
verge on
verge to
- The bullet missed me by a hair's breadth.
枪弹擦身而过,差点打中了我。 - He nearly drops the baton at changeover.
他在交接棒时差点弄丢了接力棒。 - "Twenty - almost twenty-one
“二十岁——差点二十一。 - Legal fees almost bankrupted us.
诉讼费差点使我们破产。 - They were very nearly forced to turn back.
他们差点被迫返回。 - He' s a bit weak in the top storey, ie not very intelligent
他的脑筋差点事儿 - The two cars just managed to scrape by without touching.
两部车子擦身而过,差点相撞。 - My son came near being run over by a truck.
我的儿子差点被大卡车辗过。 - We nearly missed the fact that you were adopted.
我们差点忘记你是被收养的。 - She hardly forgot to take the roster of candidates.
n. 点;标点;要点;尖端;得分
v. 削尖;指向;加标点于;表明
- That is not the point in question.
那不是要考虑的要点。 - orientation point
方位点 - A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown.
n. 边缘
- The hotel is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.
这家旅馆正濒临破产。 - It is not on the brink of another crisis.
现在的印度并没有处于另一场危机的边缘。 - He was driven to the brink of madness.
n. 边缘
v. 接近;处在边缘
- The sky was clear from verge to verge.
天空这一头到那一头,完全澄澈清明。 - This country is on the verge of economic crisis.
这个国家正处于经济危机的边缘。 - The plane verged into the clouds.