在《越狱》中扮演T-Bag罗伯特·克耐普最初并不知道《越狱》即将完结,直到他的经济人看到《好莱坞报道》上的文章才得知这一新闻。他致电制作人后方得以证实消息。“是一种苦甜参半的感觉。是时候终结了,但是这四年来真的非常愉快。它改编了我的演绎生涯,T-Bag也是一个塑造起来很有感觉的角色。但我不希望因为这个人物而被定型,是时候放手的感觉也很好。”至于T-Bag的未来,罗伯特说剧本怎么写他就愿意怎么演,他只希望最后他能够活下来。罗伯特接下去将出演Sylvester Stallone的一部电影。


沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

Robert Knepper says that he wasn’t told about the Prison Break series cancellation until his agent told him that he saw it in the Hollywood Reporter. He called his producers and they found out the same way! “It’s bittersweet. It’s time to let it go, but it’s been an amazing four years. It changed my life and my career and it’s been an amazing role to interpret. Hopefully I won’t go down in history … it’s nice to put it to bed,” Robert says about his role. When it comes to T-Bag’s future, Robert says that he will play anything they give him, he just hopes he stays alive!! And next up for Robert might be a role in Sylvester Stallone’s movie!

