

Doing sports is a great way to exercise our bodies. Despite our busy schedules, it would be great if we could add one or two sports in our lives. 


1) What is your favorite sport and why?

2) Do you prefer outdoor sports or indoor sports?

3) Is there a sport you have seen that you really wish to give it a try?


Swimming is one of my favorite sports. I find it very relaxing. Since I prefer indoor sports, I swim laps at a pool. Prior to entering the water, I usually go to the sauna room or the steam room to stretch and warm up my muscles. After swimming, I can rest in the hot tub. As for a sport I have seen and would like to try, it would be parkour. The jumps and flips are really impressive. One must have top athletic abilities to excel in the sport. Because the movements are difficult and dangerous, one should be under strict guidance and take safety precautions when practicing the sport.
