

去年4月,微软推出了一则Windows Phone 广告“三款智能手机与一场婚礼”:婚礼上,宾客双方分别代表苹果 iPhone 和三星 Galaxy 系列的阵营,之后两方也开始了混乱的拳脚乱斗,而手持 Windows Phone 8 Lumia 920 的两位淡定的观众在旁稳稳地拍摄了现场一切,主推其无损变焦的优势。广告中出现“iSheep”和“CopyBot”也在讽刺苹果和三星的“跟风”和“抄袭”。

#10: Energizer vs. Duracell

Energizer Holdings vs. Procter & Gamble Co.(宝洁)

Energizer(劲量) Duracell(金霸王)

1. These two companies power your TV remote(电视遥控器), X-box controller(微软游戏控制器) and so much more...

2. While Energizer has been around since the late 1800s, Duracell only burst onto the scene in the mid-1960s.

(burst onto the scene: to emerge or spring suddenly突然登上历史舞台)

3. These two companies will remain in a power struggle for the foreseeable future.

(power struggle: 权力斗争,这里把它们拟人化了,其实争夺的是市场份额)

#9: Budweiser vs. Miller
Anheuser-Busch InBev vs. SABMiller 

Budweiser(百威啤酒) Miller(米勒啤酒)

1. Even though you can't ignore Coors in the battle of the bruise, ...

(Coors是另一个啤酒品牌;the battle of the bruise: 争斗很激烈,bruise本意指擦伤,青肿,这里the battle of the bruise指两个啤酒品牌竞争十分激烈。)

2. It's a steady stream of advertising keeping these two brewing legends held high as two of America's highest-selling beers.

(highest-selling: 最畅销的;稳定的广告使这两家啤酒传奇名声不减,成为美国最畅销的两大啤酒品牌。) 

#8: Visa vs. MasterCard

Visa Inc. vs. MasterCard Incorporated

VISA(信用卡品牌) MasterCard(万事达信用卡)

 Really the only loser here is old-fashioned cash and coin. 唯一的失败者是过时的钞票硬币。(VISA和MasterCard刷卡作为新的消费方式越来越受人欢迎,钞票硬币已过时。)

 #7: Hasbro vs. Mattel
Hasbro, Inc. vs. Mattel, Inc.

Hasbro(孩之宝 Mattel(美泰)

As these companies both make toys for kids, each squared off for decades for the hearts of your little ones.

(square off: 摆好打斗的架势,准备迎战;两家玩具公司相互竞争几十年,只为赢得孩子们的童心)


Mattel(美泰公司),在儿童产品的设计、生产、销售方面处于领导地位。美泰的主要品牌包括最流行最畅销的时尚芭比娃娃Barbie®和 Hot Wheels®, Matchbox®, American Girl®, Radica®, Tyco® R/C以及 Fisher-Price® 品牌,包括Little People®, Power Wheels® 和一系列的益智类玩具。

#6: Ford vs. GM

Ford Motor Company vs. General Motors Company

Ford(福特) GM(通用)

1. Perhaps the most surprising thing about this American founded rivalry is that GM was able to remain in the competition after they filed for bankruptcy in 2009. (背景:经济衰退和信贷萎缩令通用遭受重创,2009年6月通用向纽约南区美国联邦破产法院申请破产保护。这是美国历史上第四大破产案,也是美国制造业最大的破产案。)

(file for bankruptcy: 申请破产)

2. But, no matter which car company your allegiance lies with, it's evident this rivalry is behind some of the greatest American vehicles in history.

(lie allegiance with…对……忠诚)

3. If one looks east, you can see a similar struggle between automotive giants Toyota and Honda.


 #5: DC vs. Marvel

Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. vs. The Walt Disney Company 

DC Comics(DC漫画)
Marvel Comics(漫威漫画)

Especially since Disney put its weight behind one, purchasing Marvel while Time Warner owns DC.

(throw/put your weight behind something to use all your influence and power to support something利用自身影响帮助)

#4: Adidas vs. Puma

Adidas AG vs. Puma SE 

Adidas(阿迪达斯) Puma(彪马)

Tensions eventually cost the company to split into Adidas and Puma, edging out the Nike vs. Reebok rivalry, which is just as intense.

(edge sb/sth out (of sth) cause sb/sth gradually to lose a position or power 使某人[某物]逐渐丧失地位﹑力量或权力: Their new product has edged all its competitors out of the market. 他们的新产品已把所有的竞争者都挤出市场.)

#3. Microsoft vs. Apple

Microsoft Corporation vs. Apple Inc. 

Microsoft(微软) Apple(苹果)

The struggle saw the late Steve Jobs compete with Bill Gates for dominance in home computing with the latter prevailing until Apple's eventual supremacy thanks to their efforts in mobile and tablets.


(这里的late,是指“已故的“;supremacy: 优势 If someone or something has supremacy over another person or thing, they are better. )

#2. McDonald's vs. Burger King

McDonald's vs. Burger King 

McDonald's(麦当劳) Burger King(汉堡王)

Over the years, Burger King and McDonald's have been in an all-out battle for control of the multibillion-dollar-a-year fast food market, trying to outdo one another's offerings and mascots.

all-out adj.形容词(行动)全力以赴的 You use all-out to describe actions that are carried out in a very energetic and determined way, using all the resources available

outdo vt. 胜过,优于to do more or better than sb else

#1: Coke vs. Pepsi

The Coca-Cola Company vs. PepsiCo Inc. 

Coke(可口可乐) Pepsi(百事可乐)

Regardless of which soft drink you prefer, it's hard to imagine not being able to get a chilled Coca-cola or a Pepsi in a nearby vending machine.

(soft drink n. 不含酒精的饮料;vending machine n. 自动贩卖机)

