A few weeks ago, I was a guest on the Newbie Writers podcast, and one of the hosts, Damien Boath, is Australian. Over the course of our conversation, I came to realize that Australians can make anything sound fun. They seem to have cute nicknames for even the most horrible, gross, and annoying things. There are cockies in the dunny, mate sounds fun, right? It's not. Here's a sample of Australian slang:
几个星期前,我去网络写作播客当嘉宾,主持人之一是一位澳大利亚人达米安博斯。在我们谈话的过程中,我意识到澳大利亚人能让所有的事情听起来都很有趣。他们甚至会为那些最可怕、最恶劣的和最让人讨厌的东西起很可爱的昵称。“There are cockies in the dunny”,听起来是不是很有趣?事实上这可不是什么好话。下面就为大家介绍一些澳大利亚俚语的例子:

1. Cockies

相当于 "cockroaches", 是蟑螂的意思。

Just looking for a photo of cockies made me nauseated.

2. Mozzie

相当于"mosquito", 指蚊子。

Some people call them the most dangerous animal in the world. Australians call them mozzies.

3. Dunny

相当于"toilet", 指厕所。

I wonder whether other languages have cute nicknames for the toilet. I suppose potty sounds fun to people who don't speak English.
我在想是否其他的语言也会用很可爱的昵称来作为厕所的代名词。我猜“potty(便壶)” 对一些不会说英语的人而言,这个单词的读音是有趣的。

4. Bingle

A car accident

Accident sounds so negative. Sure, maybe you ran over a kid's trike, but it was just a bingle. Apparently there's an Australian insurance company called Bingle Insurance. Maybe someone should start Crash Insurance in the US.

5. Bluey

A traffic ticket

Maybe Americans do this too. I remember hearing someone say he "popped a dooey," and having no idea what he meant. Turns out a "dooey" is what you get when driving under the influence, a DUI ticket. Not funny.
美国人也有类似的表达。我记得我听某个美国人说过:“poped a dooey”,完全不知道什么意思是。事实证明“dooey”就是酒后开车的情况下,收到的罚单。一点不好笑。

6. Bounce

A bully

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear bounce is a bouncy horse. Fun! In Australia a bounce is a bully. Not so fun.

7. Liquid laugh


When you've been drinking all night, I suppose anything can sound fun.

8. Aussie Salute

Brushing away flies

OK, I do laugh thinking of people swatting flies. I once saw a hilarious interview on CNBC of some important business guy giving an interview near a water trap on a golf course while being attacked by bugs. They were probably mozzies, but it was still funny.

9. Wowser

A boring stick-in-the-mud

If an Australian told me we were going out to dinner with a wowser, I'd be psyched. I'd be wrong.