

Royalist forces struck another blow against Thai democracy Wednesday when the country's Constitutional Court staged a judicial coup and removed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from office. Her supposed crime: having impure motives when she transferred a bureaucrat three years ago. For the third time in a decade, this unaccountable institution controlled by the aristocracy has removed an elected leader for dubious reasons.
The justices' meddling rewards the bad behavior of the ironically named royalist Democrat Party. It boycotted the general election in February after several of its leaders led street protests aimed at overthrowing democracy and installing a ruling council made up of the country's elite.
In March, the Constitutional Court nullified the result of the election on the grounds that protesters prevented it from being held on the same day across the country. The opposition has blocked a revote, leaving the country in political limbo with a caretaker government. Now that the court has removed Ms. Yingluck and nine other ministers from office, Deputy Prime Minister Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan will soldier on. But the National Anti-Corruption Commission might remove him too.




周三,泰国保皇主义势力再度对其国内民主政体展开冲击。原因在于国家宪法 法庭策划的一起为使首相英拉.西那瓦下台的司法政变。该法庭为其定下子虚乌有 的罪名:三年前其调任一位官员时动机不纯。在过去的十年间,在贵族政治操控 下,此机构玩忽职守,这已经是其第三次通过采用各种不能使人信服的借口,迫 使选举领导人下台了。
法官的干预则是对该党派“不良行为”(此党派被戏谑的成为保皇主义民主党 )的回应。该党派个别领导人发动街道示威活动,旨在推翻民主整体并重新建立 一个由国家精英组成的强有力的政府。在此之后,此派又联合抵制二月的普选。
三月份,由于在选举日内举国上下反对声一片,宪法法庭不得不宣布选举作废 。但是反对派们拒绝重新投票,从而将全国至于一个政治监牢之中,并由政府监 管。如今该法庭已经迫使英拉及其他九位总统下台,而副首相尼瓦探隆仍在负隅 顽抗。但是,国家反腐败委员会也许最终同样会把他赶下台。
