She had booked three seats on the plane. 她在飞机上订了三个座位。
The usher seated us in the front row. 引座员让我们在前排坐下
The committee is chaired by General Lee. 委员会由李将军任主席。
He pinned the notice on the blackboard. 他把通知钉在黑板上。
The expedition will map the South Pole. 探险队将绘制南极的地图。
The policeman bagged the thief. 警察把小偷抓到了。
How can you pocket her insults? 你怎么能忍受她的侮辱?
The results of the experiments are tabled at the back of the book. 实验的结果列成了表放在书后。
Picture yourself in his situation. 设想你处于他的地位。
His name headed the list. 他的名字列在名单之首。
He handed the glass of beer to Grandpa. 他把那杯啤酒递给了爷爷。
Many of his friends backed his plan. 他的许多朋友都支持他的计划。
The boy shouldered the basket of fruits. 男孩掮着那筐水果。
He asked us not to finger the tomatoes. 他让我们别摸西红柿。
A policeman eyed him suspiciously. 一位警察怀疑地瞧着他。
I can’t stomach such behavior. 我不能容忍这种行为。
He elbowed his way to where we stood. 他推挤着来到我们站的地方。
The puppy nosed at my arm. 小狗嗅我的手臂。
We have missed the bus, so we’ll have to foot it.我们没搭上汽车,因此我们得步行去。
Lydia had always nursed a grievance against her cousin. 丽迪亚对她的表哥一直怀有抱怨情绪。
Stop fooling about and do something useful. 不要胡混了,干点有益的事。
He is paid by the police to spy on other students. 他受警方雇用来监视其他学生。
He doctored the information on his passport. 他窜改了他护照上的内容。
He fathered many inventions. 他发明了许多东西。
It’s hard to pilot a boat in rough waters. 在汹涌的水域中领航是困难的。
They pioneered the Northwest Territory. 他们探察了西北地区。
The older boys lord it over the younger ones. 大孩子欺压小孩子。
She mothered two children and adopted a third. 她生了两个孩子,又领养了一个。
The library houses 600,000 books. 这个图书馆藏书60万册。
He is rooming with my friend Smith. 他和我的朋友史密斯一起住。
Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 樱桃树早春时开花。
The boxer floored his opponent. 拳击师把对手击倒在地。
They have dammed that river up. 他们在那条河上筑了一道坝。
This money should bridge you over till next month. 这笔钱应当可以帮你度过困难维持到下个月。
He got up and dusted his trousers. 他站起身把裤子上的尘土掸掉。
She oiled herself with suntan lotion. 她在身上擦了防晒油。
I was so hungry that I wolfed down my meal. 我饿得狼吞虎咽地吃饭。
Don’t monkey with the machinery. 不要瞎摆弄机器。
The injustice of this angered him. 这事的不公平使他气愤。
I am hungering for news from you. 我渴望得到你的消息。
The bomb was timed to go off at midnight. 那枚炸弹定时在午夜爆炸。
He thirsted for knowledge. 他渴望获得知识。
We plan to winter in Italy. 我们计划在意大利过冬。
We summered by Lake Geneva. 我们在日内瓦湖畔避暑。
Then we lunched at the Connaught Restaurant. 然后我们在克努餐馆吃午饭。
I am going to breakfast with him tomorrow. 我明天将和他一起吃早饭。
The enemy stormed the castle. 敌人猛攻城堡。
The guests numbered more than a hundred. 客人有一百多。