时间:6月5日(星期四)16:00 - 17:00


美女外教来了!英语大厅每周四下午 16:00-17:00 推出全新外教栏目,跟 Giulia 老师聊聊天。美国和意大利混血的 Giulia 老师说着一口标准流利的美语,并同时掌握意大利语、法语和西班牙语等多种语言。

2014 FIFA World Cup Edition: the Good, the Bad and the Handsome

The 2014 FIFA World Cup is fast approaching! A few weeks ago, we looked at popular songs from the World Cup, as well as learning a little about Brazil.

On June 5th, we bring you the Players edition. Who are the most famous football players in this day and age? Who is a good role model? Who is a bad role model? And for the girls who don’t care about football – who is the most handsome?

Don’t miss your chance to WIN our mascot’s football edition. We will be giving out three for the most active and prepared participants. Reserve NOW for your chance to participate in this great open class!




-Class introduction
-Categories: the Good, the Bad and the Handsome; who is a good example of each one?
-Exercises: grammar and oral
-Conclusion: prizes

※ 价值168元2014足球盛世——运动cc猫纳米粒公仔1只 (独家定制公仔,CC猫陪你一起来看世界杯)还有更劲爆,本次一共3个中奖名额,你没有看错!3只萌CC等你领回家!!



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5. 找到“英语大厅”位置,点击进入;

6. 讲座期间进入英语大厅后,如果想发言,请点击下图中的“举手”(蓝色按钮),被主持人选中后就可以发言。说话的时候可以看到麦克进度条在随麦克声音发生变化,别人说话也可以看到耳机或扬声器的进度条在变化。