

The Fratellis是现在苏格兰最被看好的indie团体,2005年10月份才组建的乐队。来自英国苏格兰的格拉斯哥,就是有着著名的流浪者队的格拉斯哥,一共由三人组成,其中俩名成员来自英国的Glasgow(格拉斯哥)主唱兼吉他的Jon Fratelli和贝斯手Barry Fratelli。鼓手Mince Fratelli则是来自Paisley。都算年轻,二十六七岁,主唱和贝斯比鼓手Mince Fratelli要大4岁。他们在2005年的时候签约了Island,然后就慢慢开始建立起自己的歌迷队伍,时下他们正和Kasabian一起巡回演出,根据成员的名字判断,三人不是亲兄弟就是表兄弟。


Well it's a big big city and it's always the same
Can never be too pretty tell me your name
Is it out of line if I were simply bold to say "Would you be mine"?

Because I may be a beggar and you may be the queen
I know I may be on a downer I'm still ready to dream
Though it's 3 o'clock, the time is just the time it takes for you to talk.

