
Helping people in need is a great way of expressing humility, love, kindness, and gratitude for everything you have been given in life. While most celebrities make charitable donations and help others, they are unfairly categorized as selfish, careless, and intoxicated.

Believe it or not, there are many celebrities who have the heart of gold and dedicate a lot of their time and money into great causes.

Read on to find out the list of the 10 celebrities with golden heart and see whether this list includes your favorite stars or not!

1. Matt Damon

Matt Damon co-founded of the charity , which helps provide clean water to developing countries.
Matt Damon是帮助发展中国家提供清洁水源的这个慈善机构的共同创始人之一。

Moreover, Matt Damon is a supporter of ONE Campaign that helps fight AIDS and poverty in third-world countries.
此外,Matt Damon也是帮助在第三世界国家抵抗艾滋病和贫穷的ONE运动的支持者。

Matt Damon also associated with fellow Ocean’s Eleven cast-mates and founded the advocacy organization.
他也和Ocean’s Eleven剧组其他成员一起创立了一个辩护组织。



Taylor Swift is renowned for her charitable nature.
Taylor Swift也是以她乐于慈善事业的天性而著名的。

She has donated a lot of her money to numerous charities and helped lots of people around the world.

Plus, Taylor Swift donated her gorgeous prom dress to that raised more than $1,000 for the organization.



Justin Bieber is one of the youngest stars who started the Believe Charity, which benefits other charities.
Justin Bieber是创立Believe Charity慈善机构的最年轻的明星之一,这个机构也为其他慈善机构谋取利益。

Whatever you think of him as a person, Justin is involved in a number of charities to help people around the world.



Lady Gaga has always been a true anti-bullying advocate.
Lady Gaga一直都是一个反欺凌的支持者。

In 2011, she founded the Born This Way Foundation, which aims to inspire young people and build better communities.



Daniel Radcliffe is a supporter of Book Aid International and the Lupus Foundation of America.
Daniel Radcliffe是美国Book Aid International and the Lupus基金会的支持者。

Moreover, Daniel cooperates with The Trevor Project, which suicide averting support to LGBT teens.
另外,他还和The Trevor项目合作,帮助防止同性恋双性恋和变性者青少年自杀。



Selena Gomez is the youngest Goodwill ambassador of UNICEF.
Selena Gomez是联合国儿童基金会最年轻的善心大使。

She traveled to increase awareness of suffering people of the Congo and Ghana.



Nick Cannon hosted and produced Nickelodeon’s HALO award show, which displays children who help other people.
Nick Cannon创造并主持了为帮助他人的儿童而举办的Nickelodeon’s HALO颁奖典礼。 


Brad and Angelina were involved in charities before they became a couple.

They launched the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation that seeks to while protect natural resources and eliminate poverty.
他们发起了Maddox Jolie-Pitt基金会来帮助保护自然资源并且消除贫困。



No doubt, George Clooney is kind-hearted star who was arrested by the Sudanese police for civil disobedience while advocating for human rights in Sudan.
毫无疑问,George Clooney是一位非常热心的明星,他曾因为在苏丹支持人权运动而被苏丹警察因非暴力反抗而逮捕。


Ellen Degeneres donates lots of money to the American Red Cross and the Susan G Komen For the Cure Foundation.
Ellen Degeneres向美国红十字会和the Susan G Komen For the Cure基金会捐了许多善款。