
Wellesley Park



Chloe: Oh, my God! Come here!__1__?__2__?
Rae: France? Yeah, it was great. It was really nice.
Chloe: __3__three months.
Rae: Four months.
Chloe: Yeah,well...
Mom: Rae!
Chloe: __4__.
Rae: Thanks. I should go.
Chloe: Oh, no, no, no. Listen, listen... Come to the pub tonight with the gang.__5__. The guys are fit as, right?__6__.So, please come, sweets. Please!
Rae: Yes, please...
Chloe: Yeah?
Rae: I mean, um, yeah... __7__. In France, all I did was hang. Definitely.__8__.
Chloe: Yeah.

Why you don't tell me you were back How was France I can't believe you've been gone I'm glad you're back, anyway I've started hanging round with the sixth formers from Wellesley Park And they're all single I'm a bit busy, but it would be cool to hang out with you I'd probably get withdrawal symptoms if I stopped hanging
克洛伊:天啊,过来!为什么不告诉我你回来了?法国好玩吗? 瑞伊:法国?很棒。真的很不错。 克洛伊:不敢相信你离开三个月了。 瑞伊:四个月。 克洛伊:那好吧。 妈妈:瑞伊! 克洛伊:我很开心你能回来。 瑞伊:谢谢。我该走了。 克洛伊:不不不,听着,今晚和大伙一起去酒吧吧!我最近和韦尔斯公园的六年级生一起玩。他们都帅呆了,而且他们都单身。过来吧,亲爱的。拜托! 瑞伊:好,请。。。 克洛伊:什么? 瑞伊:我的意思是好。。。虽然我有点忙,不过还是想和你们一起去,在法国我整天出去混,我已经玩上瘾了。 克洛伊:好吧。