民那好~~~ 窝滚肥来了!!好久不见!!!






International Space Station

a 28-year-old South African

Mark Shuttleworth

Russian Aviation and Space Agency (RASA)

Soyuz space taxi

Dennis Tito

Kristen Larson

, "We've agreed … Mr. Shuttleworth. However, …." Larson would not


NASA and its partners in the International Space Station have agreed in principle to let a 28-year-old South African become the second paying tourist on the orbiting outpost, according to the U.S. space agency. Internet magnate Mark Shuttleworth signed a contract on December 4th, 2001 with the Russian Aviation and Space Agency (RASA) to fly aboard a Soyuz space taxi to the station in April 2002, almost exactly a year after U.S. millionaire Dennis Tito became the first to experience space as a paying guest. NASA spokeswoman Kristen Larson said by telephone, "We've agreed in principle to the flight of Mr. Shuttleworth. However, there are some final details that need to be taken care of." Larson would not say what details needed resolving, but said the station's international partners, including the space agencies of Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada, had drafted a set of requirements for space travelers covering physical ability, psychological ability, language ability and length and appropriateness of training.
美国航天局说,国家航空航天局和它在国际空间站的合作伙伴已原则上同意,让一位28岁的南非人成为第二名付费的太空旅游者。2001年12月4日,因特网巨头马克•舒特沃斯与俄罗斯航空航天局签订了协议,他将于2002年4月搭乘Soyuz号太空的士到达空间站,这与首位付费太空旅游者——美国巨富丹尼斯•蒂托的太空之旅相隔几乎整整一年。 美国国家航空航天局女发言人克尔斯滕•拉尔森在电话中说:“我们原则上同意舒特沃斯先生的太空飞行,但还有一些最后的细节需要处理。”拉尔森不愿说出哪些细节问题需要解决,但她说包括俄罗斯、欧洲、日本和加拿大航天局在内的国际空间站合作伙伴已经拟订了一套对太空旅游者的要求条件,其中包括身体素质、心理素质,语言能力及训练计划的适度和长度。”