剧情:Rae 因为太胖,心理出现问题住进了精神病院~~Rae和新的心理医生第一次见面。


Dr Khan

Dr Gill




音频最后一句话的最后是 this week  




I'm Dr Khan's replacement. Dr Gill. You can call me Kester. Is it Rachel? Rae. I told Dr Khan to ask you to start keeping a diary. But you can't read it because Dr Khan... I don't want to read it. It's private. It's for you. Are you always this quiet? You know, there's a theory that you can discern the majority of a person's characteristics in the first five seconds of meeting them. What do your instincts say about me? My instincts say that a bird took a dump on your head. So... You survived the first week still in one piece, I see. What have we been up to? Look, with Dr Khan, we would just talk... I'm not Dr Khan. So... what have we been up to this week?
我是来接替卡恩医生的吉尔医生,你可以叫我凯斯特。你叫雷切尔吗? 瑞伊。 我叫卡恩医生要求你开始写日记。 但是你不能读,因为卡恩医生。。。。。。 我不想读。这是你的个人隐私。你经常这么安静吗?有这样一个理论见到一个人五秒钟之内,你可以了解他的大多数特性。凭你的直觉我是怎样的人? 我的直觉说有只鸟在你的头上拉屎。 所以,你在第一个星期毫发无损地活下来了。我们进展如何了? 和卡恩医生在一起是我们只讨论。。。。。 我不是卡恩医生。所以,这个星期我们进展如何了?