


Reese: You're Stanton? I'm... 

--: No, you're not. The ID NCS gave you didn't pass muster, so you're nobody, 

which means I get to name you. Wilson, maybe. No. You should have a drink.

Reese: I don't drink when I'm working.

--: No? Well, start. You tier one boys are all the same -- tense. 

Out here, "tense" gets us killed. In your old job, you were behind enemy lines for 6, 12 months? _____1____ Never was. Understand? So you may as well get comfortable.

In this job, you never go back, because there is no line to cross back over.
你是斯坦顿?我是… 不,你不是。中情局国家秘密行动处给你的身份不符合要求,所以你谁也不是。也就是说,我来给你起名字。威尔逊把。不好。先喝一杯吧。 我工作的时候不喝酒。 是吗?那开始吧。你们这些一级小哥都这样,绷得太紧。在这里,绷得太紧会害死我们。你以前的工作,深入敌后半年?一年?这个工作,你没有退路。因为这里没有敌前敌后的清晰接线。从来没有,明白吗?所以你也放松就可以了。