
1st period

2nd  period

3rd period

4th period


Global reading

Detailed reading

Detailed reading


Section B



Teaching objectives
Students will be able to
(1) know the five famous symbols of American culture.
(2) master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.
(3) appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text.
(4) conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities centered upon the theme of the unit.


1. Ask students if they know some symbols of China and put them on the blackboard.
Then show the photos in the courseware to check and learn more.

1) The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Dynasty
2) The Imperial Palace in Beijing
3) The Monument of the People’s Heroes
4) The Giant Stone Buddha in Leshan
5) The Longmen Grottoes
6) Potala Palace
7) Tang Tricolor
8) Lei Feng and His Spirit
9) Yuanmingyuan
10) Ancient china
11) Confucius
12) The Great Wall
13) Serial Bells
14) Silk
15) Paper-cut
16) Cheongsam
17) Tang Wear
18) Two-stringed Fiddle
19) Playing the fiddle
20) Paper-making
21) Compass
22) Beijing Opera
23) Weiqi
24) Seismoscope
25) Dunhuang Grottoes

2. Have Ss listen to the short passage carefully, then T asks Ss the following questions
(1) What are the symbols that you have heard about?
( Answer: The symbols, by which the United States of America is known around the world are the Statue of Liberty, the Barbie doll, the great American Gothic, the Buffalo nickel, and Uncle Sam.)

(2) What more can you say about the symbols of American culture?

( Possible answer: Different cultures generate different symbols, which might be accepted by people in and out of the country. The specific American culture has its particular symbols owing to its social and historical background.

Culture Notes (see the courseware)

1. the Statue of Liberty (自由女神像)
2. American Gothic(美国哥特式)
3. Barbie dolls(芭比娃娃)
4. The Buffalo nickel(“布法罗”镍币)
5. Uncle Sam (山姆大叔)

Global reading
1. Text Structure Analysis
The overall structure of the passage is the author’s listing five famous symbols of American culture.
A. Each symbol is parallel to another or there is a matching relationship between the symbols.
B. The five symbols are put together to support the central topic of the reading passage— Five famous symbols of American culture.
C. The author always tries to narrate the story according to the time sequence.
D. For each symbol, the author deals with it from different aspects such as who created, what the creator was, how he created, when, and how the symbol was accepted, etc.
Part I (Paras 1-4) The Statue of Liberty
Part II ( paras 5-10 ) Barbie Dolls
Part III ( paras 11-14) American Gothic
Part IV ( Paras 15-18) The Buffalo Nickel
Part V (paras 19-22) Uncle Sam

2. Devices for developing the text
1) headings: Five headings are used in this passage to put the whole text into five distinct parts, with each heading serving as a separate topic. And these headings are derived from the title of the text: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture. This device is helpful in making the text-structure clear.

2) time sequence

3) general-specific description (Para. 16-17)

4) contrast (Para. 16-17)

Detailed reading: Language Study
1. work on: have sth. as the subject of thought or effort
The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.
2. enlighten: vt. give sb. more information about sth. so that he or she knows the truth ( followed by on)
The object of the exercise is to amuse and enlighten the general readers.
Please enlighten me on that subject.
3. alliance n. [C,U] a group of countries, political parties or people who have agreed to work together because of the same interests or aims.
NATO is considered as the most powerful military alliance in modern history.
phrases: make an alliance
The U.S., Britain and Australia made an alliance and declared war on Iraq.
in alliance with
The church, acting in alliance with community groups, began to rescue the boy.)
4. approve of: say, show or feel that sth. is good
If my plan isn’t approved of by the committee, all my work will come to nothing.
Note: similar collocations such as “smell of”; “consist of”; “dispose of”; “die of”; “boast of”; “complain of”. etc.
5. refashion…into: change into; make into
This second-hand dress can be refashioned into a rather pretty skirt.
The deserted banks of the river have been refashioned into a place for the local residents to take rest and leisure.
6. stretch vt
1) make sth. longer, wider or tighter by pulling
2) cause to go as possible or beyond the usual limit
3) (of a piece of land or water, etc.) spread over a large area or distance
The child stretched the rubber band to its full extent.
I’m afraid we can’t take on any more work— we’re already fully stretched.
The sea stretches as far as the eye can reach.
( Collocation: at a stretch 不停地,连续地
at full stretch 全力以赴
stretch out 伸出
stretch oneself 舒展肢体,伸懒腰
7. go against: be opposite to; be not in favor of; act against
I should warn you that if the case goes against you, you may find yourself in prison.
Anything that goes against the law of nature will receive severe punishment from it.
go about 着手做,处理
go by (1) (时间)过去(2)遵守,遵循
go after 追求
go up (1)上升,上涨(2)正在建设中
go around/round (1)四处走动(2)流传
go with (1) 跟……相配 (2)伴随
go back on 违背(诺言等)
go into (1) 进入 (2) 调查,研究
8. be short for…: serving as an abbreviation of sth
SARS is short for ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome’, but optimists interpret it as ‘Smile And Remain Smile’.
Cf.: be short of: not having much or enough of sth; lacking sth.
Example: The hospital is getting short of clean linen.
9. evolve from: (also evolve out of ) develop in gradual stages from sth. different
The human figure in the Emblem of 2008 Olympic Games evolved from the Chinese character “ Jing” (京), referring to Beijing.
The developmental history of the society tells us that man has evolved from the ape.
Compare: evolve into
The story evolves into a violent tragedy.

Sentence Patterns
(1) Typical patterns for contrast
原句:While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.(L.50)
句型提炼: While people tend to do sth/, someone goes against tradition/ conventionality by doing something else.
While almost all flowers come into blossom in spring, the plums go against the conventionality by flowering in deep winter, thus earning a reputation for being fearless of severe cold.

(2) Typical patterns for reporting sth.
原句:It is said that he had used his wife’s arm as the model,but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.(L.8)
句型提炼: It is said/reported/ believed/estimated that…
It is generally believed that petroleum originates in marine plant and animal life.
It is said that the pyramids in Egypt were constructed by ET ( extraterrestrials)

(3)Typical patterns for showing one’s persistence in doing sth.
原句:His mother could not approve of her son’s affection for a woman she had never met, but Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876.(L.5)
句型提炼: Some people object to /are opposed to /put obstacles in the way of /don’t approve of sb.’s doing sth., but ahead and…
In 1850s, many people, including some naturalists, objected to Darwin’s exploration of the evolution of species, but he went ahead and on November 24, 1859 published his great work The Origin of species.

1. Group discussion:
1) What does a nation value as her symbols?
(In general, anything representative of a nation’s glorious history, her brave and creative spirit, or her unique insights into the world is valued as the symbol of her culture.)
2) Look back at the symbols of China. Why are they regarded as the symbols of China?
(The Great wall, Confucius, Ancient China, Beijing Opera, The Terra Cotta Warriors and horses of Qin Dynasty, Chinese character “Jing”.)

2. Essay summary (P. 104)

3. Writing a narrative passage in time sequence according to the instruction on P. 108

Unit4 Section B
Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game

Teaching objectives
Students will be able to
1. appreciate the figurative language demonstrated in the text;
2. master the key language points in the text;.
3. develop reading skills.

Reading skills: Appreciating Figurative Language
Learning to be able to appreciate figurative language will help us to have a better understanding of the message the author tries to convey. The key point is to examine the language by asking yourself the following questions:
1.What comparisons are being made?
2.What mental pictures do they bring to your mind?
3.What ideas is the author trying to convey?
Example 1
Now more than sixty years old, Barbara—who declines interviews but is said to have loved the doll—may be the most famous unknown figure on the planet. (Para. 9, Reading Passage A, Unit 4)
This is the so-called oxymoron(矛盾修饰法), a figure of speech that combines two usually contradictory terms in a compressed paradox. According to the sentence, the doll Barbie named after Barbara is probably the most famous figure in the world on the one hand, and on the other, only a few know the real Barbara.
Example 2
He was strongly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse, but the faces in his composition were what captured the world’s attention. (Para. 12, Reading Passage A, Unit 4)
This is hyperbole(夸张法)— exaggeration for the sake of emphasis in a figure of speech not meant literally. According to the sentence, the faces are compared to something that is so unusual that they are eye-catching to everyone.
More examples:
1) “ I was crushed.” Engelbreit admits.
2) Since her introduction in 1959, Barbie has become the universally recognized Queen of the Dolls.
3) Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.

Detailed Reading (Language Study)
New words & Expressions

1. turn down
2. be suited to
3. appear on
4. with an eye to
5. be comprised of
6. dress up
7. go out
8. be influential in
9. bother with
10. make a living
11. show up
12. to have/keep/with one’s feet (planted/set) on the ground
13. date back to

She used to have servants; now she finds it a come-down to have to do the work herself.
Note: 合成名词( Compound noun) 的主要构成形式
n + n
member state
assembly line
quality control
v + adv
adv + v
v + ing + adv
a + prep + pron

She killed him with her bare hands.
The garden looked bare in winter, with few flowers.
bare facts 不加渲染的事实
a bare wage/income 仅够糊口的工资/收入
a bare floor 未铺地毯的地板
a bare chest 赤裸的胸膛
a room bare of furniture 空无家具的房间
the bare necessities 最低必需品
16. imaginary: a. existing only in the mind; not real
The main characters in the novel are so true to life, but most of them are imaginary.

Compare: imaginable, imaginary, imaginative
imaginary 意为“想象的,虚构的”, 强调某物是想象力的产物; imaginative 指人“富有想象力的”; imaginable 意为“可想象的”,往往作后置定语, 所修饰的名词前经常加 all,every,only 或形容
Examples:His house was equipped with every luxury imaginable.
She is a very imaginative student. She’s always talking about travelling to outer space.
17. gratitude: n. the feeling of being grateful or thankful
( phrase: express one’s gratitude to sb. for sth.)
I wish to express my gratitude to Kathy for her immense practical help)
Note: -itude 表示抽象名词的后缀
18. take off: ( of an idea, a product, etc.) suddenly become successful or popular
After a slow start, the plan soon took off and was accepted by all the directors.
Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years.

take aback使吃惊

take to(1) 开始喜欢

take after与……相像

take up(1) 开始从事(2)占据


take over接管

take in(1)接受(2)领会(3)包括

take on(1)承担(2)呈现

1. Summary (dictation)
  Every road leads to Rome. One can succeed in a field which might not seem to be so appealing at first. Mary Engelbreit, a famous American greeting card artist is such an example. In her mid-twenties, she flew to New York to realize her life’s goal—illustrating children’s books. But she was turned down by all the book publishers. Frustrated, she decided to take up drawing cards according to the suggestion given by one of the publishers who turned down her application. The result changed her life forever. Cards with her design became best sellers and she even set up a retail company of her own. Her success in this field finally helped her to realize her dream of illustrating a children’s book. However, when her dream finally came true, she found what she loved most was making greeting cards.

2. Finish the exercises.