Hints:   Chestnut  栗宝

           Grand Central 中央车站

           Riverdale 河谷站

Here you go, table ten, Earl. Have any exciting plans for tomorrow? Just trying to not die in my sleep, Max. How about you? I'm going to visit Caroline's horse. He was adopted by a rich white lady who could give him everything we couldn't afford to, which is everything. White people will adopt anything. I figured out the best way to go see Chestnut. We take the J train to the 4, the 4 to Grand Central, change trains to Riverdale and walk three blocks to his fancy new stable. Sounds exotic. Do I need a travel shot? No, but there's a dicey underpass at Grand Central where we might get shot. I am so excited to see my baby again. Me too. In the Lifetime movie version, we get there and Chestnut likes his new home better and then we cry.
给,厄尔 ,10号桌结账。明天有何绝妙计划? 别在睡梦中上天堂 ,我就阿弥陀佛了。你呢? 我要去探望卡洛琳的马。一个白人富婆收养了他,还给他所有我们给不起的东西,基本上就是一切事物。 白人还真是什么都领养呀! 我计划好去见栗宝的最佳路线了。先搭J号火车到4号线,再由4号线转中央车站,然后转火车去河谷站,最后下车走3个街区 就到他华丽的新家了。 好像要漂洋过海哦!需要"打"旅游疫苗吗? 不必,不过中央车站有段地下道挺乱的。在那倒有可能被开枪"打"。 要去见我的小宝贝,好激动啊! 我也是!我们到那里发现栗宝更喜欢他的新家,然后我们抱头痛哭。