Secondly, let us look at diagnostic tests. This test, sometimes called the formative or progress test, checks on student's progress in learning particular elements of the course. It is used, for example, at the end of a unit in the course book or after a lesson designed to teach one particular point. These tests can take the form of an extension of the lesson from a practice phase into an assessment phase. They can provide information about progress which may be used systematically for remedial work. The diagnostic test tries to answer the question "How well have the students learned this particular material?" If his learning has been successful, the results will give a considerable lift to the student's morale and he is likely to approach the next learning tasks with fresh enthusiasm. If he finds he has not mastered the point at issue, the test should give him clear indication of how he falls short, so that he can do some useful revision. Next, achievement test. An achievement test, also called an attainment test, looks back over a longer period of learning than the diagnostic test, for example, a year's work, or a whole course, or even a variety of different courses. It is intended to show the standard which the students have now reached in relation to other students at the same stage. This standard may be established for a country, as with school-leaving certificates; or it may relate to an individual school or group of schools which issues certificates to students attending courses. But the important point which is common to all these situations is that the standard remains constant as far as possible from course to course and from year to year and is external to the individual class or textbook.
让我们看看第二种类型——诊断性测试。该测试有时被称为影响发展的或进步的测试,检测学生学习某一课程的特定知识点所取得的进步。例如,该测试被运用于教材单元结束或某一知识点结束的课程中。这种测试可将课程本身形式从实践层面延伸至评估层面。它可以提供关于进展的信息,这种信息也许会被系统地用于补课中。诊断性测试试图回答这个问题:学生对这一材料的学习会学的多好?如果学生的学习是成功的,测试结果会大大提升他的士气,让他充满热情地开始下一学期的学习任务。如果他发现自己并没有很好地掌握知识,这种测试会给他清晰的提示,告诉他他落后的原因,因此,学生可以有针对的进行修正。 接下来,我们要提到成绩测试。成绩测试,也称成就性测验。比起诊断性测试,它总结回顾学习的更长一个阶段,例如,一年或一学期的学习,亦或是不同课程的学习。它意在体现一种标准,这种标准是学生现已达到的,涉及同一时期的其他学生应该达到的标准。这种标准由国家制定,与结业证书一样;或者其涉及单一的学校,或一批学校,它们可以单独给参加学习的学生颁发证书。最重要的是该标准尽可能地在不同课程、年复一年的过程中都保持不变,并且延伸到个人课堂或者教科书中。