
get stuck in 陷入

minimum 最低限度

Learning How to Learn Good evening. Today's lecture is about the phrase "learning how to learn". I remember reading that learning how to learn is one of the best skills you can develop. That phrase "learning how to learn" got stuck in my head and I turned that concept over and over in my mind and asked myself: "Do we have to learn how to learn?" After thinking about it, I've realized that learning is something so natural that we don't even recognize that we're doing it because we get so caught up in the process of it. Most of us associate learning as something difficult, something reserved for extremely intelligent people, but that is not the case at all. I think the biggest indicator that will tell you how much you will learn is what makes you want to learn in the first place. I know that sounds pretty obvious, but that single factor is very important as you'll soon see. Take for example, learning the latest accounting rules because your job requires it as opposed to learning about cars because that's something you like. If you have to learn something, you'll only learn as much as you're required to - in other words the absolute minimum, but if you want to learn something, the sky's the limit.
学会如何学习 晚上好。今天的演讲题目有关“学会如何学习”。我记得读过的一本书中写道,学会如何学习是你可以培养的最佳技巧之一。自从这个短语“学会如何学习”陷入我的脑海中,我就一遍遍地想着这个概念,并且问我自己:“我们是否该学会如何学习?”想过这个问题之后,我意识到,有些事情太自然了,以致我们根本意识不到我们正在进行着它们,因为我们自己就处于这个过程之中。 我们大多数人认为学习是很困难的事,学习只属于那些十分聪明的人,但事实绝非如此。我想,告诉你要学多少的最大指标首先是:什么原因促使你学习。我知道这问题听上去很明显,但你马上就知道,这一因素非常重要。举个例子,你因工作需要去学习最新的会计规则,与之相反的是,你要学车,因为你喜欢开车。如果你不得不学习,你只会学要求的那部分——换句话说,也就是最低限度的学习量。但如果你想学习,没有任何东西可以阻拦你。