


--: What is that?

Reese: Cocaine.

--: _____1____ Is that glue?

Reese: Yeah. Nothing like over-the-counter polymer to close a wound in a pinch.

--: You learn all this in hero training?

Reese: Something like that.

--: Thank you.

Reese: Sure.

-: No, really... Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead right now.

I guess there's a first time for everything.
那是什么? 可卡因。 我想凡事总会有第一次吧。这是胶水吗? 是。 没有比这种非处方聚合物更好的应急伤口愈合品了。 这些都是你从英雄培训班学的? 差不多吧。 谢谢你。 是啊。 不是,说真的。谢谢你。要不是你,我多半已经死了。