【英专八级听力训练】Mini-lecture Effective Note-taking(2/2)
2014-04-26 04:00
intonation 语调
jot down words or phrases 记下单词或短语
shorthand 速记
service words 修饰语
abbreviation 缩写
connective(s) 连接词
reminisce 回忆,回想
Be alert to the speaker's emphasis through tone, gesture, repetition and illustration on the board. A good lecturer, of course, often signals what is important or unimportant. He may give direct signals or indirect signals. Many lecturers, for example, explicitly tell their audience that
a point is important and that the student should write it down. It is worth remembering that most lecturers also give indirect signals to indicate what is important. They either pause or speak slowly or speak loudly or use a greater range of intonation, or they employ a combination of these devices, when they say something important. Conversely, their sentences are delivered quickly, softly, within a narrow range of intonation and with short or infrequent pauses when they are saying something which is incidental.
It is, of course, helpful for the student to be aware of this and for him to focus his attention accordingly.
Having sorted out the main points, however, the student still has to write them down. And he has to do this quickly and clearly. In order to write at speed, try to develop a suitable system of mechanics: jot down words or phrases,
not entire sentences; develop some system of shorthand and be consistent in its use; leave out small service words;
use contractions, abbreviations and symbols.
Most students find it helpful to abbreviate. They also try to select only those words which give maximum information.
These are usually nouns, but sometimes verbs or adjectives.
Writing only one point on each line also helps the student to
understand his notes when he comes to read them later.
An important difficulty is, of course, finding time to write the notes. If a student chooses the wrong moment to write, he may miss a point of greater importance. Connecting words or connectives may guide him to a correct choice here. Those connectives which indicate that the argument is proceeding in the same direction also tell the listener that
it is a safe time to write. "Moreover", "furthermore", "also", etc., are examples of this. Connectives such as "however",
"on the other hand" or "nevertheless" usually mean that
new and perhaps unexpected information is going to follow.
Therefore, it may, on these occasions, be more appropriate to listen.
After taking notes, review and reword them as soon as possible. Don't just recopy or type without thought. Reminiscing may provide forgotten material later. Rewrite incomplete parts in greater detail. Fill in gaps as you remember points heard but not recorded. Arrange with another student to compare notes. Sharpen your note-taking technique by looking at other students' notes. How are they better than your own? How are your notes superior?Compare the information in your notes with your own experience. Don't swallow everything uncritically. Don't reject what seems strange or incorrect. Check it out. Be willing to hold some seeming inconsistencies in your mind over a period of time. Make meaningful associations. Memorize that which must be memorized.
注意演讲者通过语气、手势、重复和板书演示强调的重点。当然,一位合格的演讲者经常暗示听众重点与非重点。他可能会给出直接或间接的暗示。 比如,许多演讲者明确地告诉听众某个关键点,学生应记下来。值得一提的是,大多数演讲者也间接暗示重点。他们暗示重点时,或停顿、或减缓语速、或提高音量、或使用抑扬顿挫的语调、或综合运用这些方法。相反,当他们说到非重点时,他们说话既快又轻,语调平缓,停顿少而短。显然,这有助于学生意识到重点所在,所以他们应集中注意力。