

前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。







colleague's rudeness-


I thought I made the deal clear to you guys. You really wanna mess with the CDCA? Absolutely not. I apologize for my colleague's rudeness- No, she doesn't. I retract that apology. Show some mettle, Lisbon. You know as well as I do, if I have ten minutes with these people, I will get the truth, if there's any useful truth worth having. Excuse us. Yes, excuse us. We have to have a chat. Cool it, all right? That is an order. Okay. Just relax. I'm working the case. Let me explain something to you. Mm-hmm. This is politics. The CDCA is rich, mean and well-connected. The CBI in comparison are like poor orphans. We can't make enemies out of them. We need to cooperate with this man. He irks me. Say it."I understand." Hmm. Go. Find yourself a vending machine. Buy yourself a candy bar and come back when you're ready to play nice. Give me a dollar and I will. You're paying me back.
我们不是都说好了吗? 你们真想惹毛加州疾控局吗? 当然不是,我为我同事的鲁莽而道歉。 她没道歉,我要收回。 骨头硬些,Lisbon,你心理也清楚。 只要十分钟,我就能搞清事实真相。如果真值得我们这么做。 不好意思。 说什么失陪,那就得聊聊咯。 你给我消停点,这是命令。 别这么紧张兮兮,我这不破案嘛? 我得跟你说清楚。 这是政治,加州疾控局有钱,有手段,渠道众多。 我们和它比就是没娘疼的可怜娃。 我们必须得合作。 我很烦他。 说“我明白了”。 去找个自动贩卖机,给自己买根巧克力棒。 等你乖了再回来。 给我一块钱就成。 记得还我。