2014-04-25 13:09
"Sherlock" fans, Martin Freeman may have just made your day, and maybe even your year.
Co-creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss announced back in February that Season 4 of "Sherlock" may be delayed for two years due to Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman's busy schedules. However, Freeman teased a bit of secret news that may change things.
《神探夏洛克》联合制作人史蒂芬·莫法特和马克·加蒂斯早在二月就表示《神探夏洛克》第四季可能会推迟两年之久,因为两位主演“卷福”本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和“花生” 马丁·弗瑞曼日程都排得很满。不过弗瑞曼日前透露的一点秘密消息,可能会改变一些事情。
While appearing on Alan Carr's Channel 4 talk show "Chatty Man," which airs on Friday, April 25, Martin said, "Mark Gatiss may beat me up, but there is an idea for this one-off special that’s such a good idea." Wait, what was that Freeman?!
4月25日马丁·弗瑞曼做客英国第四台脱口秀节目《阿兰卡尔谈话秀》时表示,“马克·加蒂斯可能会揍我,但我们现在有个想法是,制作一集特别集很不错。” 等等,花生这是真的吗!!
"As I was listening to it," Freeman continued, "I thought ‘we’ve just got to do this.' It’s a fantastic, really mouth-watering idea. But I really don’t know when we are going to get to do it."
"Mouth-watering," huh? We trust Watson on that and really hope this one-off episode thing happens soon.
“让人垂涎” 哈!我们相信华生,也真的很希望特别集能很快制作出来。