




She runs a retail company with shops in nine cities 16 more are planned, and her products are carried by 25,000 retailers. Annual retail sales are in the $100 million range - all as a result of that fateful, disappointing trip to New York. It's probably no accident that one of Engelbreit's bolder cards shows a young girl in overalls, her bare feet up on a desk, a farm field in the window behind her. "We Don't Care How They Do It in New York," the card boasts. Once you know Engelbreit's distinctive style, you can recognize her cards from 20 paces away - bright, funny, and with an eye to the past. Her cards usually have elaborate border designs comprised of repeated images: hearts, flowers, peaches, and teapots, for example.
她办了一家零售公司,在9个城市拥有分店(另有16家商店正在筹划),有25,000名零售商销售她的产品。年均零售额在1亿美元左右──所有这些都是那次令人失望而命中注定的纽约之旅的结果。也许以下设计并不少见:在恩格尔布赖特的一张构思大胆的贺卡中,一个女孩穿着工装裤,赤着的双脚搭在一张桌子上,身后的窗外是一片农田。贺卡上自豪地写着:“我们不在乎他们在纽约如何做。” 一旦你熟悉了恩格尔布赖特的独特风格,在20步开外你也能认出她的贺卡:色彩艳丽、趣味盎然、充满怀旧气息。她的贺卡边缘通常有精巧的图饰,常重复使用这样一些形象,如桃心、花、桃子或茶壶等。