

2014年伊始,一只名叫《Flappy Bird——像素鸟》的“呆萌小鸟”火速蹿红。这款操作极其简单,却令全球玩家手指颤抖、被誉为“反人类”的“躲避障碍飞行游戏”,红到有人被虐得怒砸了手机,有人开动脑筋造出“玩鸟机器人”,有人YY反攻出“马里奥大结局”。开发者本人不堪受扰,将其从应用商店下架,但止不住一大批山寨同类游戏“正在袭来”。

所谓“人红是非多”,鸟红了麻烦也不少。在《Flappy Bird》大热中,开发者阮哈东开始倍受关注,各种评论和问题让他倍感压力。2月8日,表示“再也无法忍受”的阮哈东在Twitter表示,将把这款游戏下架。

  游戏虽然已经下架了,但是其火爆程度不降反升!据悉,玩家们将预装了原版Flappy Bird游戏的iPhone手机在全球拍卖及购物网站eBay拍卖,最高价已经飙升到9万美元。对于很多还没有来得及下载游戏的国内玩家来说,还不用花钱去买天价手机,一些第三方应用商店还能下载安装。此外,一大波山寨版正在“袭来”。
Original web link is:


1. Did you try to play "Flappy Bird" before? Please share your feelings or experience after played that APP game.
2. What do you think of the phenomenon that "Flappy Bird" was forced to take down?
3. Open discussion: future development of "Flappy Bird"


As a widely popular and notoriously difficult free mobile game "Flappy Bird", it has already been removed from the app store. Dong Nguyen is the creator of this game and he announced his decision to take down the game for good on Twitter. In fact, the game is very straightforward that the bird should avoid hitting the pipes to keep flying and gain points. However, the frustrated thing is that the control is not easy and it drags people to lose temper or patience. With increasing complaints on the game, Dong cannot handle the tremendous pressure from the public. Therefore, "Flappy Bird" disappeared at present on the app store. In my opinion, game players should not attack the creator with badly hurting words and it is just a game not a war. Playing games is a good way to relax from busy study or work and kill time, please do not treat it so seriously either winning or losing.
