




Gray's Inn Road




It has stood for 200 years. It will stay standing until Michael is master of Groby. He can decide to cut it down or not. You miss the point exactly! I want the tree gone before Michael has any say in the matter. He'll grow up a Tietjens -- backward-looking and sentimental! It's paganism, hanging up their bits and bobs like savages. The land steward will certainly inform Mark if you order the cedar cut down. Let him. Brother Mark has abdicated from Groby. He has chosen the life of a London clubman with an actress in the Gray's Inn Road. And Christopher, for all I know, will live in sin after the war with his little games mistress. That's all it is. You want to make Christopher suffer. Poor boy! Between you and the Germans! Anyone would think you were his mother, not mine! I pray even more fervently for you, as we are taught to do for all sinners. That's what I get for keeping myself chaste all these years! You mean since you bolted.
那棵树都两百岁了。它会一直在那儿 直到迈克尔继承格洛比他再来决定是否要砍掉它。我就是不想这样,我就是想趁迈克尔有权发表意见之前砍掉它。他长大会变成一个保守又多愁善感的蒂金斯。那就是异教行为,像野蛮人一样把些七零八碎挂在树上。如果你下令砍掉雪松,管家肯定会通知马克。随他去,马克伯伯已经放弃了格洛比。他选择做个伦敦交际家,跟个女演员住在格雷学院路上。至于克里斯托弗,就我所知,战争后会和他的女体育老师姘居。就是为了这个。你想折磨克里斯托弗。可怜的孩子。在外迎战德国人,回家面对你。大家都会以为你是他的母亲,而不是我的。我为你祈祷时更加虔诚。主教导我们要为罪人祈祷。我这些年恪守妇道就换来这个结果吗?你是指在你私奔之后?