
本期学习的字源:secut, sequ, su(e)=follow跟随


Unification Church

Bill Gates


Kenneth Starr

Die Hard

second sect Moonies are followers of the Unification Church, a powerful religious sect. consecutive He is in his second consecutive term as president. executioner Some vigilante groups that hunt down criminals have taken on the triple role of judge, jury and executioner. executive Bill Gates is the Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, of Microsoft. persecute Political dissidents are persecuted in totalitarian countries. prosecutor Independent Prosecutor Kenneth Starr has been called the most unpopular man in the U.S. sequel Fans of the Die Hard series can hardly wait to see the new sequel. sequence The dancer established the tone of the whole work in the opening sequence.
Moonies are followers of the Unification Church, a powerful religious sect. 统一教是一个强大的教派,教徒称为“文派”。 He is in his second consecutive term as president. 他正在连续第二任的总统任期中。 Some vigilante groups that hunt down criminals have taken on the triple role of judge, jury and executioner. 有些追捕坏人的民兵团体自封了法官、陪审团和刽子手的三重角色。 Bill Gates is the Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, of Microsoft. 比尔•盖茨是微软公司的执行长。 Political dissidents are persecuted in totalitarian countries. 极权国家迫害异议人士。 Independent Prosecutor Kenneth Starr has been called the most unpopular man in the U.S. 独立检察官史塔曾被称为美国人缘最差的人。 Fans of the Die Hard series can hardly wait to see the new sequel. 《终极警探》系列的影迷迫不及待想看新续集。 The dancer established the tone of the whole work in the opening sequence. 舞者在出场的那一段中就营造了整部作品的气氛。