Serangoon Road Season 1
星洲档案 第一季

【剧集中文名】星洲档案 第一季
【原名】Serangoon Road Season 1
【主要演员】Don Hany、陈冲(Joan Chen)、Maeve Dermody、Alaric Tay、Michael Dorman、Pamelyn Chee、Zhang Wei、Ario Bayu、Rachael Blake、Tony Martin、Shane Briant、Jeremy Lindsay Taylor、Wendy Toh、Aizuddiin Nasser



A fast-paced HBO Asia Original detective drama series set against the exotic and tumultuous backdrop of 1960s Singapore. When the Cheng Detective Agency is hired by the CIA to investigate the murder of a US sailor, Sam is asked to help out as a favour to the widowed owner, Patricia. But as Sam tries to save the life of an innocent man, he is forced to revisit memories of killing a childhood friend during the second World war.
这是一部快节奏的HBO Asia自制原创侦探影集,背景在上世纪六十年代充满异国风情,动荡不安的新加坡。郑侦探社受中情局所雇调查美国大兵的凶案时,侦探社的主人,寡妇郑婉容请求山姆的协助。但当山姆试图解救一名无辜男子的性命时,他被迫想起二次大战时杀害童年好友的惨痛回忆……




