
Secondly, if a company has a code of ethics and spends time communicating it, it does actually contribute to its ethical behaviour. If you express these things in writing, especially, then you can be held accountable for them. This tends to mean that you are much more likely to act on them as well. I think following up that code is difficult. People tend to have different ethical standards, and defining the term 'ethics' can I think be a problem. But I think generally to express what your ethics are is a positive thing to do. What kinds of moral dilemmas do large companies face? Can you think of any examples? I think if you were to look at any company's ethical code, you would usually find in it to a section about offering bribes and this can be an area where I think people can get themselves into hot water.
其次,如果一家公司有道德守则,并且愿意花时间贯彻它,那么它确实有助于公司规范道德行为。如果你以书面形式表达出了这些东西,那么你可以为他们负责。这往往意味着你更有意愿去贯彻它们,并做到更好。我想遵守准则是很困难的。人们往往有不同的道德标准,并各自定义术语“道德”,我可以认为这是一个问题。但我认为表达你的道德都是一个积极的行为。 大公司需要面对什么进退两难的道德困境?你能举出几个例子吗? 如果你看任何公司的道德准则,你通常会在里面发现有关于行贿的内容,这个是我认为会让人们变成热锅上蚂蚁的区域。 翻译来自:远方的桥