


If I might keep you for a minute more, Mr Carson? I--if you'd like me to leave? No, I would like you to stay, please, Mrs.Hughes And you, Anna. You have decided not to take Action over the allegations Thomas has made against me because you believe them to be untrue. That is correct. And you are right, there is no truth in them. But if you were to proceed with the matter, you would find them to be proven. Thomas has tried to convince you that I am a drunkard and a thief. Which we never believed. Because you now no different. Until a couple of years ago, I was a drunkard...and I was imprisoned as a thief. I have repaid your kindness very poorly. I masqueraded as a man of honour and integrity, but by any moral code, I am disgraced. That can't be the whole story. Perhaps not, but it's enough of it to demand my resignation.
卡森先生,能耽误你一会吗? 我要回避吗? 不我希望你留在这里休斯太太,还有你安娜。 你并不相信托马斯的指控因为你认为他们是无中生有。 对。 你是对的,他们说的都不是真的。 但是如果你深究下去你就是发现他们说的都是真的,托马斯想让你相信我是个酒鬼和盗贼。 我们绝不会相信的。因为你们不知道内情。 几年前我的确是个酒鬼我还因为偷盗而坐牢。 我辜负了大家的一片好意,我伪装成正直的人,但以任何道德标准衡量我都有失体面。 一定另有隐情。 也许吧,但这足够让我交出辞呈。