It's disgusting. I can't do this anymore. I'm leaving. I don't want to do this anymore. I feel tired and wired at the same time. This was an awful, awful, awful, awful, awful idea! All right, calm down! Jeez, you're like a Christmas crack monkey. Look, we are not going anywhere, okay? You got me all elfed up, and now we need these jobs. So just go talk to someone and tell them why you need a new pair of tights. I can't. It's embarrassing. Look, either you ask her, or you rip out the crotch and risk showing six-year-olds your winter wonderland. Now I'm sad. You, the one with the dark hair, - I need you to come with me. - Where? And is there a drug test involved? Change of plans. I need for you to be Mrs. Claus. The other one had to leave-- blamed menopause. Menopause, please. I had my uterus yanked out on my lunch hour, and I was back at my desk by 2:00. Follow me... Unless, uh, you don't want that
是啊 超恶心啊 我做不来 我要走了 我不想扮精灵了 我身心疲惫同时又焦躁不堪 这个主意好糟糕 好糟糕 好糟糕 好糟糕 够了 冷静 老天 你就像只圣诞抽风猴子 听着 我们哪也不去 知道吗 我衣服都穿好了 我们需要这份工作 所以去找个人说说 解释下你得换身新衣服的原因 我做不到 太尴尬了 要么你去问她 要么你把裤裆撕开 或冒着露出冬日"阴"境给小朋友的风险 我伤心了 你 深色头发的那个 -你跟我来一下 -去哪儿 不会是去做药检吧 计划有变 我要你扮演圣诞老奶奶 原来那个人拿更年期当借口跑了 拜托 更年期算什么 我午饭时间去把子宫切掉 下午两点照样准时上班 跟我来 除非你不想