How is she? She'll be perfectly fine. I gather you're the shining knight in all this. Not really but I'm glad I was there. So am I, by heaven. If it had been left to that bloody fool, Branson. You should see what he reads. It's all Marx and Ruskin and John Stuart Mill. I ask you. Papa prefers the servants to read the bible and letters from home. There are sandwiches for Mr Crawley in the dining room, Lady Mary. Thank you, Mrs Hughes. We couldn't let you starve. You really didn't have to. Mary, look after Matthew. I'll go up and revive your mother.
她怎么样了? 她没事。 你今晚真是英雄救美。 不敢这么说,我只是刚好在那里。 我也是上帝啊,要是栽到那个蠢蛋布兰森手里 看看他平时读的是什么,马克思,罗斯金还有约翰斯图尔特米尔。 爸爸希望仆人们读圣经和家书。 餐厅里有一些准备好的三明治。 谢谢你休斯太太。 我们不能让你饿着。 真是太客气了。 玛丽你招呼好马修,我去安慰你妈妈。