


It's my father. Hi, daddy. You'll never guess where I am right now-- applying for a job at Santaworld. No, it's not depressing at all. The man's in prison, and he thinks this is depressing. Oh. Are you sure? It's really not that far. Okay. If that's what you want. Call me on Thanksgiving. Love you. He thought about it and doesn't want me to come. He said he can't face having me see him in there. You okay? Fine. Quiet, please, people. I have an announcement. Everyone in this corridor has been chosen to be an elf. Mazel.
是我爸 老爸 你肯定猜不到我现在在哪 我在应征圣诞乐园的工作 不 一点儿也不凄惨啊 连在牢的人都觉得这很凄惨 你确定吗 其实也不是很远啦 好吧 如果你已经决定了 记得在感恩节给我打电话 爱你哦 他想了想 还是不要我去了 他不想我看他在牢里的样子 -你没事吧 -没事 各位请安静 现在我来公布结果 这走道里的所有人都成功入选成为精灵 真"恭喜"啊