
Grand Alliance

Boy Scouts




Come to do your bit for the Grand Alliance? You've already seen each other. Yes, I made time to stop off at the hotel, sir. Good. Sir, if I may trouble you... Well, I suppose I should thank you for being clear. I don't understand you. You didn't come back to the hotel to sleep. You prefer all the fun of camping out with your Boy Scouts, do you? Or did you spend the night with your mistress in her little nest in this frightful town? I hardly got any sleep anywhere. There was a railway strike. I was landed with 3,000 men I'd despatched to the front lines three hours earlier. The French way of telling us that... I'll scream if you don't stop. Sorry.
是来为大联盟尽一份力的吗?你们俩已经见过了吧。是的,我抽时间去了趟酒店,长官。很好。先生,请容我打扰... 我该谢谢你把意思表达那么清楚。我听不明白。你晚上没有回酒店睡觉,你宁愿跟你的童子军玩野营,是吗?还是跟你的情妇在这可怕的镇上缠绵悱恻,风花雪夜了?反正我在哪都睡不着。铁路发生罢工,我跟三枪士兵受困,我三小时前被派去前线,这是法国人在告诉我们... 你要是不住口我就大喊。抱歉。