




We have to send Danny away.

Oh, come on, Albert. For how long? A month, a year?

You can't deal with this man, Michael, he's poisonous. We have to give Danny the choice.

I don't like being manipulated.

Victor Maher is a freak of nature. I know him. He doesn't care about the bank or Danny. It's all about the game. He's thrilled at taking on the best grifters in Europe and out-grifting them, Jimmy Cohen, Mitch Peters and Carl Taylor. _____________________. He knows every trick we do and more, besides.

I do believe you have a bogeyman.

Don't go there, Michael.

You can't outsmart him, you can't outmanoeuvre him
我们必须把丹尼送走。 算了吧,阿尔伯特。能逃多久?一个月,一年? 你对付了来这家伙,迈克,他极其恶毒。我们必须让丹尼来选择。 我讨厌被别人颐指气使。 Victor Maher是个变态。我了解他。他才不在乎什么银行或者丹尼。他只在乎游戏本身。他就喜欢找上欧洲的诈骗高手,然后胜过他们,例如Jimmy Cohen, Mitch Peters和 Carl Taylor.你不可能斗得过他,逃不出他的掌心。他对于我们的计谋一清二楚,甚至于超过我们所知。 我想你是认识了可怕的魔鬼。 别去,迈克。