《美剧天天秀》节目是沪江部落一档模仿类节目,目的在于提升大家的英语口语水平,在轻松看美剧的同时锻炼大家的口语能力。积极参与的童鞋还会得到主持的专业点评哦!想要得到主持人专业的点评和意见吗?快来节目现场一试身手吧>> 去沪江部落订阅本节目!



C: Lucas called again this morning before I left for school.
Man, staying there the last couple days has been so awkward!
H: Did you talk to him?
C: His parents said he didn't want to talk to me, or that he wouldn't.
You know, I think we should just go look for him.
H: Did they tell you where he is?
C: Staying at his cousin's house.
Said he didn't want to come home, that he had something to work out.






