



How'd it go, boys?

Not bad.

God! You all right?

Yeah, well, don't worry. It was my fault. I stepped out in front of you.

I didn't even see you.

Can't bend me leg. I landed awkward. I think I can't move at all.

It never happened to me before.

Look at that, look at that, I can move it. Don't worry, love, I’ll be fine. Yeah, it was nice working the flop again.

So how did you know she was lying?

At the cocktail bar. You do believe me, don't you? She revealed a tell.

Actually, I do.

I double-checked it.


The throat slash. A classic tell.

Yes, indeed.


So you double-guessed the double-cross.

I just took out some insurance.

Well, take away the expenses, we've still got over 300,000 in the pot.

200,000. 100,000 is going somewhere else.


Usually associated with feelings of guilt
那你们在这儿干什么? 怎么样了,伙计们? 还不坏。 不会吧!你还好吗? 别担心,是我的错误。我见到你车子后就想走快一点。 我甚至没看到你。 能不能扶我一下,我这样看上去很笨拙。 我从未遇到过这种事情。 看啊,我可以动了,别担心,美女,我很快就好。这又是我们一个漂亮的工作。 那么你怎么知道她在撒谎? 在鸡尾酒吧里面。你真的相信我,不是吗?她透露了她所知道的事。 事实上,我相信。 我仔细检查了。 兴奋吗? 她的手割过自己的喉咙,一个典型的知情者。 是的,打心底里。 通常所表现的诸多于罪恶相关联的感情。 所以你更加确定了她会出卖我们。 我只是想采取一些保险措施。 好吧,吸取些经验,我们始终还是拿到了在皮箱里的30万。 20万,还有10万将有其他用处。 哪里?