-For me, it was always gonna be about love. And that summer I walked into the eye of the storm. Her name was Charlotte. Cousin of Kit Kat's handsome but nasty boyfriend Jimmy. And she was staying for two whole months. Just one. Not both of them.
-Tim, will you do my back?
-Very keen!
-Whoa! No. No.
-Is it in my hair? Yes!
-Tim. Will you do my back?
-Sure. Just give us a sec.
-Ooh. Nice.
-It's my area.
-It was a summer of suntan and torture. I invited my foolish friend Jay around for tennis because I thought he'd make me look good. I was wrong! What are you doing?
-Charlotte just made both of us look like idiots. How the hell are you meant to concentrate on your game? How are you meant to live your life with this sort of shit going down? It never got better until suddenly it was almost too late.
-Well, Charlotte, our final lunch.
-And it's been really, really lovely having you all summer.
vt. 折磨;拷问;歪曲
n. 折磨;拷问;歪曲
The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
They tortured my words.
concentrate on
So now we have to concentrate on the second game to go through to the semi-finals.
In doing so, businesses will be able to concentrate on what they know how do best: their business.
n. 晒黑;土黄色军服;棕色
Many people love what they consider a suntan’s healthy glow.
Play it safe and don't forget the suntan lotion!

-As it's your last night, can I ask you a question?
-Yeah. Ask away.
-It's not going to be about love, is it? Well, it's just that Kit Kat warned me that if you were to ever mention it, I should be very firm with you and tell you you must treat me like your sister and not be stupid. Or have I just made a total fool of myself and you were actually going to ask me for late night last minute tennis tips?
-No, it was the love thing.
-That's very sweet of you. It's just a shame you left it till the last night. You should have tried creeping along the corridor while we still had time.
-Okay, the "last night" was a bad idea?
-Very bad idea. it feels like an ever so slightly insulting afterthought. "Last night" was never going to work.
-I know you've probably suspected this,but over the last month I've fallen completely in love with you. Now obviously this was gonna happen because you're a goddess with that face and that hair, but even if you didn't have a nice face, and even if you had absolutely no hair because of some bizarre medical reason, I'd still adore you, I just wondered whether, by any chance, you might share my feelings.
-Why don't we see how the summer goes and then you ask me again on my last night?
-Your last night? Yes. Try me on the last night. See what happens then, shall we? It's exciting. No, it's a perfect plan. That's absolutely perfect. Last night.
-Big lesson number one, all the time travel in the world can't make someone love you.
1. 餐厅付小费的时机
在餐厅付小费的情况最多了﹐在什么样的餐厅吃饭要付小费呢﹖一般来说﹐有侍者为你服务﹐来问你要点什么菜﹐这种情况是绝对要付小费的。另外如果像是去快餐店用餐﹐像是麦当劳﹐你是在柜台点完餐后自己到座位上去吃﹐这种情况就不需给小费﹐还有一种在美国叫 Food Court, 就是像台湾的美食街﹐也是拿着拖盘点餐﹐这种情况也是不用付小费的。
2. 餐厅付小费的多寡。
一般的情况下﹐午餐要付 10-15% 的小费﹐晚餐要付 15-20% 的小费﹐但是如果人数超过五人﹐老美就一个名词叫 Party Over Five﹐则你必需付 18% 的小费﹐否则就算失礼。 (但通常这种情况侍者会特别提醒你﹐怕你忘了!) 如果小费给少了﹐表示你对这家餐厅的服务不满意﹐比如说你觉的菜很难吃﹐服务生招待不周,则可以拒付小费﹐不过这种情形还相当少见。要是服务特别好﹐或是高级的餐厅 (每客在 30 元以上) 则要付 20% 的小费。一般美国的日米料理都蛮贵的﹐通常我们都会付 20% 的小费。
3. 餐厅小费的计算方法
由于在美国的东西都含税﹐所以 15% 到底是以税前或税后来计算呢? 正确的是以税前的总和乘以 15%。像是康涅狄格州的税是6%﹐所以我的算法通常就是把税乘以二再多一点点当作小费。