



主持: mangiferin

任何疑问欢迎 @mangiferin !

Natural talent. Some people are born with a predisposition to succeed in certain areas. Find this out for yourself by trying a lot of different activities and seeing what comes easy to you. The things you do with little or no effort that genuinely impress others are likely very near your natural talent, and natural talent combined with a lot of hard work leads to greatness. Clear goals and planning. Much like a trip, it's a lot easier to get where you want to go if you know where you're going and spend the time to plan the route you'll take to get there. Think about what your definition of success exactly is, then identify some of the things that need to be done to help you move towards it.
天赋。有些人天生就具有在某些领域取得成功的资质。通过尝试不同的活动,看看哪些更适合自己,找出适合自己的发展领域。那些你花费很少精力ihuo不费吹灰之力去做能真正打动别人的事物,可能就是你的天赋所在。天赋加上勤奋就会成功。 明确目标和计划。就像旅行一样,如果你知道自己的目的地并花时间去计划路线的话,达到目的地会很容易。想想你对成功确切的定义是什么,然后明确一下那些能助你朝目标迈进的事情,并完成它们。