
Kahlil Gibran




"When we were rich, my husband and I had so many cares that we had no time to talk to one another , or to think of our souls, or to pray to God," the wife explained, “We lay awake at night worrying, lest the ewes should lie on their lambs, and we got up again and again to see that all was well…Now, when my husband and I wake in the morning, we always greet each other in love and harmony. We live peacefully, having nothing to worry about." For most of us, financial security is an elusive goal. No matter how much we have, it's not enough. Kahlil Gibran put it this way: “The fear of need, when the pantry is full, is the thirst that can not be satisfied." When the stock market falls, we can panic, hoard, and worry if we have enough. Or we can take a deep breath and remember: Money is merely a raw material to be plowed back into something else.
“当我们富有的时候,我丈夫和我有那么多令人烦恼的事,以至于我们没时间交谈其它事情、思考我们的灵魂深处、向上帝祈祷,”妻子解释道,“我们晚上躺在床上,彻夜难眠在担心,唯恐母羊压在小羊身上,于是我们一次又一次的起床,以确保一切平安…。现在当我和丈夫醒来的时候,我们都要互相问候,恩爱和谐,我们生活安宁无忧无虑。” 对我们大多数人来说,经济上的安全感是难以达到的目标,不管我们拥有多少,总是觉得不够,卡利尔.纪伯伦是这样说的:“即便是粮食满仓,但对贫穷的恐惧会成为难以满足的渴望。” 当股市下跌时,即使我们拥有足够的财富,依然会恐慌,担忧,囤积。或者,我们深深地吸口气并记住:钱只是一种原材料,用来投资其他方面的。