You are going to hear two people talking about Brazil and France.





You know, I remember that when I went to France two years ago, I saw some pretty unusual things on the city streets, too. Really? Like what? Well, in Paris, you could watch all kinds of street performers. There were folk singers with guitars, classical musicians ... Sometimes you could even see actors performing in plays. That sounds like a lot of fun. Oh, it is. You really see all sorts of things on the streets of Paris. In fact, you can even have your portrait painted right on the street. Wow. Yeah, the art students do them to practice drawing and painting. Did you have your portrait done there? Yeah, I did. In fact, I had it done twice.
你知道吗,记得我两年前去法国的时候,在城里的街上也看到一些很特别的东西。 是吗?有什么 嗯,在巴黎,你可以观看各种街头表演。有抱着吉他唱民谣的,古典音乐家…… 有时候还可以看到演员们在演戏。 听起来很有趣。 嗯,对啊。在巴黎大街上你可以看到各种东西。实际上,你甚至可以在街上让人给画一张肖像画。学艺术的学生借此练习自己的绘画。 你当时画了吗? 我画了,其实,我让人画了两次呢。