【105】The One With the East German Laundry Detergent
1. Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right?
Rachel: Come on! You guys can pee standing up.
Chandler: We can? All right, I'm tryin' that.
Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me.
Phoebe: Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.
老友们关系实在太融洽了,在一起侃大山什么都敢掏心,这一次聊天不知怎么就撤到了互相揭男人女人的短上来了,Ross先开头,他觉得女人们能像变戏法一样地把bra 从衣服的袖子里拿出来真是太神奇了, maneuver 这个词源自法语,本意是“体力劳动”,在英语中作名词时是“策略、巧计、花招”的意思,在这里表示一种很巧妙的动作或手法。另外再看一下bamm,这是一个象声词,一声枪响就可以用bam来形容,但它经常被用来表示 “突然、一下子”的意思。
Rachel听了Ross的话后也不以为然,她说: “得了,你们男人还能站着撒尿呢 (Come on! You guys can pee standing up.)” pee是个非常口语化的词,用医学术语来表示的话就是urinate;通常我们只在熟人之间才会用pee这个词,而在一般情况下如果你内急了的话可以说 I need / have to go to the bathroom.
Joey 也发表意见说: “Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me. (你们知道什么让我觉得惊奇吗?女人们随时都能看到自己的胸脯,只要一低头就成。我不明白你们怎么能专心工作呢!) blow one’s mind 又是一个很好的口语,它表示 “对某件事情感到既惊奇又兴奋”,blow还有别的用法,比如You’d better cherish the opportunity and don’t blow it.这里的blow表示搞砸锅的意思。此外,beyond的用法值得注意,它基本的意思是 “超越”,香港有个著名的乐队就叫beyond,在口语中如果你说sth is beyond my mind,就表示某件事情对你而很难理解,比如:The professor’s lecture is beyond my mind。
最后Phoebe 说: “Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.”她挖苦说道,男人们可以作很多卑鄙无耻的事情却可以大摇大摆好不介意。 mean在这里作形容词,意思是 “很不好、卑鄙的”,口语中很常见。
2.Chandler: No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note.
"get up the courage to do sth”,鼓足勇气做某事,类似的词组还有nerve oneself to do sth,be on one’s mettle to do sth,take heart of grace to do sth…生活中常需要鼓起勇气作些事情,Chandler这里就不得不鼓足勇气去分手:)
3.Joey: No, yeah, no, ok, but not yet. I don't wanna seem too eager. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. That seems pretty cool. (he walks over to her) Hey, Angela.
Joey是个花心大萝卜,甩了Angela之后却发现他犯了huge mistake,所以很后悔,但是又摆臭架子不愿意给Angela机会涮他,于是在那儿做作的数着一二三,拖延了时间后再上前,以免显得太主动太渴望。这里“One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi”中的Mississippi没有特殊含义,主要起到延时作用。
4. Ross: Ok, ok, now what is wrong with my Snuggles? What, it says I'm a sensitive, warm kinda guy, you know, like a little, fuzzy bear. Ok, I can pick something else up on the way.
Chandler: There you go.
Sensitive是敏感的、灵敏的意思,注意一下其他同根词,sensible是明智的、有判断力的意思,sensational是轰动的、耸人听闻的意思;这里Ross听到Chandler说他的柔顺剂不好时候,进行了反驳,他说“我现在用的柔顺剂又怎么不好了?这表明我是很灵敏、亲切的人啊,就像毛毛熊一样。”pick up的用法也很多,这里是(随便)买的意思。
There you go口语中也很常见,可用Here/There sb go的句式概括,一般就是表示赞同、赞赏的意思或者相当于here/there you are。
5. Monica: It is so great to meet a guy who is smart and funny, and has an emotional age beyond, like eight.
首先注意一个词组emotional age是“感情成熟年龄”的意思,人的年龄是否真的分为心理年龄和实际年龄啊?如果那样子的话,我看几个老友们的心理年龄估计也只有20来岁。这里Monica对于别人的男朋友几乎一见钟情,说他聪明潇洒、幽默风趣、成熟稳重。最后还来了个like eight,大概是赞他有颗童心吧。
6. Phoebe: Ok, you can do this. It's just like pulling off a Band-aid. Just do it really fast, and then the wound is exposed.
pull off是努力实现、赢得的意思,这里则是用了本意把绷带纱布拉掉的意思。Chandler还在犹豫怎么开口,Phoebe告诉他快刀斩乱麻。
7. Rachel: Except it didn't. It happened to me. Oh, god, I'm gonna look like a big marshmallow peep. What am I doing? What am I doing? My father's right. I can't live on my own! I can't even do laundry!
“except it didn’t”可以当作固定用法记下,意思是“才不是呢”,或者学学港台普通话翻译成“哪有?”,似乎有点撒娇的意思在里面了。Marshmallow peep是mashmallow的一种,样子像小鸡。Marshmallow除了药用蜀葵的意思外,在俚语中还有“胆小懦弱、办事没有效率、做事不起作用的人”的意思,另外,还有“棉花糖”的意思呢。
8. Ross: You were incredible! Brand new woman, ladies and gentlemen.
Rachel: I could not have done this without you.
Brand new,固定用法,“全新的、崭新的”。投之以李,报之以桃。Rachel被吹捧的云里雾中,说了一句“没有你,我恐怕无法做到这些”(I could not have done this without you),不仅如此,她还kiss了一下Ross哦,浪漫温馨的不得了!看来的确需要多一些赞美啊!父母与子女之间、好朋友之间、妻子与丈夫之间,适当的赞美真的可以让感情更融洽的。那时候你会发现,原来生活可以更美的!