

Lokken 2-12



I hope you don't mind me dropping in unannounced. Oh, not at all. You were always one of my favourite customers. Oh, thank you. I gotta hand it to you, Trevor. These are gorgeous. If something jumps out, I have any number of accessories to match. That's nice. That's mine. Oh, love. It's very you. I'm going to need a mag of Lokken 2-12, a thermographic scope and no questions asked. I assume the price is still the same. Afraid it's gone up.
passwords:135 我希望你不介意我不请自来。 我一点儿也不介意。你永远是我最欢迎的顾客之一。 哦,谢谢。我不得不佩服的五体投地,Trevor。这些枪很称我意。 如果掉了任何部件,都可以来找我配,库存充足。 这把枪不错。 那是我的。 爱死我了。 很配你。 我还需要一盒洛肯2-12的子弹,一个热成像瞄准管,别问我原因。我想价格没有变吧。 恐怕价格上涨了。