

The end of a year is also the beginning of the new year, where we can recapture all our wishes and move forward. Also, it is a time for us to review the past year. Google issued the Google Zeitgeist(the video above) several days ago, which covers many global events of the last year. I suppose many of you have heard of them. I hope that after watching the video you can pick out one event and just write something about it, whether it is your opinions or feelings. Looking forward to your composition, and Happy Christmas!


 Pick out one event and just write something about it.


Looking back the past year, I suddenly realize that so many things have happened during the whole year. And what touches me most is the death of South Africa President Nelson Mandela. Although he spent 27 years in jail by the white minority government, he chose to forgive those who had ever harmed him. He said, “If we don’t forgive them, then that feeling of bitterness and revenge will be there, and we are saying, ‘let us forget the past, let’s concern ourselves with the present and the future’, but to say the atrocities of the past will never be allowed to happen again.” I am surprised not only to his magnanimous, but also to his greatest success to take his country into a new era without the widespread bloodshed. Therefore, he deserves my respect.
