



His Majesty



Mrs Duchemin telephoned! Apparently her husband is about to be discharged from the asylum. He can't be! He's dangerous! Cured. Sane as sixpence. Naturally, she didn't sound too pleased. Really, the vanity of those people. Self, self, self! What people? Why, the doctors, of course! Duchemin was perfectly happy in the asylum. Beautiful gardens. He wanted for nothing. Now how am I going to...? Yes, I see... No, you don't! You've seen Vincent's rooms. It costs money to make the right impression. How am I going to account to my husband upstairs? And how much did you..? A lot! Vincent has a position to keep up now, since he has been honoured by His Majesty. As a companion of the order of the bath... He has been raised... Edith, is he in the bath? You obviously haven't understood a thing!
杜舍明太太打过电话来,她先生要从精神病院出来了。怎么能出院?他是个危险人物!已经痊愈了,清醒得很。当然,她听上去并不怎么高兴。那群狂妄自负的家伙,根本只考虑他们自己。你说谁啊?当然是那些医生了。 杜舍明在精神病院过得多好。那么美丽的庭院,他完全别无所求。如今要我怎么...是啊,我明白。不,你不明白。你也见过文森特的住所。为了装饰得体,必须得花大价钱,我要怎么向我丈夫汇报这笔账。天啊,你到底花了多少?非常多。如今文森特授了勋,一切安排都得符合他的身份地位。作为一名巴恩勋位获得者,他已经被提拔为...伊迪丝,他在洗澡吗? 你压根就没懂我说的话。