

"Final notice"

Mark Jacobs 



Uh, this was in the mailbox. Still? It came a couple days ago, and I left it there, hoping that the mailman would take it back. It's from your credit card company, says "Final notice", all capital letters. I know. They ruined the color pink forever. How did this happen? Well, I was all set to make the minimum payment of $150. And? Mark Jacobs ankle boots. 60% off! You got let me help. Can I loan you the money? No, I can't take the money.
我在信箱里发现这个。 还在呢?它几天前就在了,我没管它,希望邮差能知趣的把它收走。 是你的信用卡公司寄来的,写着最后通知,都是触目惊心的大写字母。 我知道,还用粉色的信纸,可怜的粉色。 这是怎么回事? 我本应该支付150美元信用卡最低还款额。 然后呢? 马克雅克布的短靴,打四折呢。 你得让我帮你,我借给你钱如何? 不行我不能拿你的钱。 密码:xjn