
Mr. Davidson





dr. Tillman


语气词"oh", "uh"不用听写。人物对话无需换行。

Every time I close my eyes, I see him. He won't stop. Maybe I'm already dead. Surgical three, down that hall, second door on the left. Yes, all right. Thank you. Mr. Davidson in eight needs a CBC, An EKG, and a portable chest x-ray. And the kid in five needs stitches, 4-centimeter head laceration. What about the guy in four? He's been waiting for three hours. Thank you. Hi. Hi. You look rather busy today. I was hoping to avoid this. Sorry about the wait. I'm dr. Tillman. How do you do? Hi. I see that you are experiencing some back pain. My doctor's playing golf in the Caymans. I just need a refill on my pain medication. All right, on a scale of one to five, how bad's your pain? On a good day, three. Today is not a good day.