



ten dollars


The New York Times

Cuban Missile Crisis

She had just started college, but she had to quit to look for work. When we lost our house a couple of months later, she was left with nothing but scattered pieces of a life to pick up. My insane grandmother who was dying had to be institutionalized and we all had to take shelter with her brother Allen. She eventually found work as a grocer at a supermarket at ten dollars a week. Mother, although hopeful that I would make millions, never deceived herself about my abilities to do so, and so she pushed me toward working with words from an early age. Words ran in her family. The most spectacular proof was my mother's first cousin Edwin. He was managing editor of The New York Times and had gained a name for himself while covering the Cuban Missile Crisis.
当时母亲刚上大学,却不得不辍学去找工作。几个月后,我们失去了房子,母亲一无所有,只有支离破碎的生活残局等着她去收拾。我那奄奄一息的精神失常的祖母不得不被送往疯人院,而我们也只能寄居于她弟弟艾伦的家中。最终,母亲找到了一份超市售货员的工作,每周工资10美元。 虽然母亲期望我能成为百万富翁,但她很清楚我的能力,在这一点上,她从不欺骗自己。因此,从我很小的时候起,她就鼓励我向文字工作的方向发展。 母亲的家庭与文字素有渊源。最显著的证据就是我母亲最年长的堂兄埃德温。他是《纽约时报》的执行编辑,因报道古巴导弹危机而声名大噪。