
Humans should not use animals as sources of food and clothing. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?





In ancient times, there was no opposition to the exploitation of animals. But now many animal-right activists object to consumption of animals as sources of food and clothing. I would not go along with their viewpoint. It may be true that animal consumption poses threats to our lives. For instance, not only is the hunting of endangered species such as whaling blood-thirsty, it can also ruin the ecosystem. Since citizens are increasingly aware of the far-reaching impact of the extinction of endangered species, it is reasonable for the government to regulate the consumption of endangered species as food and clothing.
在古代,没有人反对将动物作为一种资源来使用。但是如今,许多动物权益者开始反对以食物和衣服为目的的动物消费。我不赞同他们的观点。 动物消费可能确实会对我们的生活构成威胁。譬如,像捕鲸这种对濒危动物的血腥捕猎,的确会破坏生态系统。由于老百姓正逐渐意识到濒危物种灭绝造成的深远影响,因此,政府控制以食物和衣服为目的的濒危物种消费是合理的。