


My Baby Sneezes


What's up, wise homies? We are in a tiff. Yeah, beacause screwed Hope out of getting the good toy like you always did to me! And I really wanted this Christmas to start off better for her! Shut up! What's the sneeze doll? Why don't you just give Hope the one you sold my friend? He lives right down the street. No, no, We'd just be screwing over some other kid. Oh, my friend doesn't have a kid. Why would someone wnat a My Baby Sneezes if they didn't have a kid.
怎么啦,我的朋友们。 我们俩吵架呢。 是,我小的时候你就不给我好的玩具,现在你又要这样对待Hope。而且我真的希望从今年圣诞开始对他来说一切会更好。 别吵了,一个鼻涕娃娃有什么大不了的,把卖给我朋友的娃娃给Hope不就得了。他就住在这条街上。 不不,我不想伤害别的小朋友。 我朋友没孩子啊。 没孩子买鼻涕娃娃干嘛? 密码:3321