
Zoos keep wild animals in a man-made environment. To what extent do you think the advantages of zoos outweigh their disadvantages?


Normally, it is better for wild animals to live in a natural environment. Unfortunately, now such environments are often under threat. In my essay, I will compare the relative advantages of animals living in the wild and in zoos. Most wild animals live longer in zoos than in the wild because zoo keepers can look after their health and their diet. When an animal is sick, there are veterinarians in the zoo to help it. As a result, animals in a zoo can have longer life expectancy than animals in the wild. Zoos are also useful tools for us to reduce our harm to wildlife brought about by damage to the land and the sea. Many zoos around the world now take part in programs to educate children about the importance of preserving wildlife and they work together to find ways to take care of animals. In fact, today some rare species exist only in zoos, which means if all the zoos are closed, these animals will completely disappear from our planet.
通常,野生动物最好生活在自然环境中。不幸的是,现在这种环境却时常面临威胁。在本文中,我将比较在动物园饲养动物的利与弊。 由于动物园管理员会照顾动物的健康和饮食,大多数野生动物在动物园活得比在野外活得时间长。在动物生病时,它们也会得到动物园兽医的帮助。因此,动物园动物的平均寿命比野外动物更长。 同样,由于我们对土地和海洋的生态破坏,动物园也是用来减少这种破坏给野生动物带来伤害的有用工具。如今,全世界许多动物园都参加了对儿童进行关于野生动物保护的重要性的教育项目,而且他们还会通过合作来寻找照顾动物的方式。事实上,如今一些稀有动物只生活在动物园,这就意味着,假如关闭所有的动物园,这些动物就会完全在我们的星球上消失。